Global tourism is expected to rise 30% this year! Airports will be packed! Here are some wellness essentials!

Global tourism is expected to rise 30% this year ( , which means airports and flights will be more crowded than ever. For travelers looking to avoid post-vacation sickness, below are affordable wellness essentials to stay healthy while on vacation and not bring back a cold as a souvenir. Here are a few all-natural, wellness […]

Mother’s Day Gift Guide for 19th March 2023!

“I just wanted some lovely slippers. Slippers that I could look and feel good in. That’s it: the simple inspiration behind Shaffay Slippers. To my mind, the perfect slippers are luxuriously soft but strong and lasting; beautifully made with high-quality materials. Understated house shoes, with clean lines and in lovely colours, that effortlessly complement daywear, […]