Bake it Till You Make it: Breaking Bread, Building Resilience The First Of Its Kind Mental Health & Resilience Cookbook by Dayna Altman (£3.46)

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Bake it Till You Make it: Breaking Bread, Building Resilience
The First Of Its Kind Mental Health & Resilience Cookbook
by Dayna Altman (£3.46)

Bake it Till You Make it is the first of its kind mental health and resilience cookbook. The book tells the inspirational and resilient stories of 43 people, from all different backgrounds, who have overcome major life challenges. Each story is accompanied by a baking recipe chosen by the contributor. The book features mental health resource pages, complete with a self-care guide and information on how to become a mental health ally. The book has since inspired a movement to destigmatize mental illness and create a space to encourage vulnerability and authenticity to connect us all.

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