Order Out of Chaos-Products Designed with Students In Mind, as well as the “Academic Planner; A Tool for Time Management!” are Homework Game Changers! This is about mindset! www.orderoochaos.com For example, using pocket dividers instead of homework folders!

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Order Out of Chaos-Products Designed with Students In Mind, as well as the “Academic Planner; A Tool for Time Management!” are Homework Game Changers! This is about mindset!



The number one complaint Order Out of Chaos by Leslie Josel hear from parents is that their kids don’t know how to manage their time! Homework is missed due to poor planning or more likely, no planning!… “And we’re hearing more and more from students that electronic devices and apps are distracting and confusing. Kids are going back-to-school the “old-school” way.

Our award-winning, patented-designed planners give students an “Easy Way to SEE Time so they Can Learn to MANAGE it!” Unlike typical “to-do” list planners, our planner’s layout allows students to see when assignments are due and tests scheduled alongside after-school commitments and free blocks of time, enabling students to stay on task, on time and on track. They are designed WITH students FOR students.”

Sold at retail for $18.99, they can be purchased directly through our website, Amazon and other retail outlets.

They are regularly recommended by professional educator and teacher groups, have been featured in major magazines and recently won the 2018 FAMILY CHOICE award for BEST products for children.


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