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Shakuntali Siberia reveals why women rule the future of humanity

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Shakuntali Siberia reveals why women rule the future of humanity

It is most likely that you consider yourself quite a regular woman with quite an ordinary life. Maybe you even feel the burden of the outside world pushing you down to the ground. But you can influence the situation in the whole world! Women have great Power, and Shakuntali Siberia will tell you how to discover your super abilities.

If your energy is worn out
Shakuntali Siberia knows firsthand about the Power of woman. She is the Enlightened woman, the reincarnation of the Ukok princess and a temple priestess. Shakuntali Siberia possesses clairvoyance, the energy of the goddess, the talent of the instant opening of predestination, spiritual growth and healing abilities. Shakuntali Siberia devoted her life to helping the women all around the world. She helps them to regain their Power, stability, health and happiness. She always says to her students how powerful they are.
But almost from our birth we are too overwhelmed with the influences from other people, environment, prejudices, daily routine. This constantly takes energy from us. It is like the cell phone whose battery is low, but in the case of the cell, you have the opportunity to recharge it. And where can you recharge your batteries? Shakuntali Siberia knows the place.

Men: conquering the world
A healthy man who is full of energy always aims to rule the world. This is in the blood of men; it is natural for them to conquer, to solve the problems and change the lives of their loved ones. It may happen either positively or negatively. The men captured by the evil forces can ruin the life, but the desire to conquer is always to be present.
If a man has problems with his health, he loses his ability and passion for activity and may fall into the depth of the depression, alcohol, drugs and computer games. This is the way the men in such a situation prefer to escape from reality.

Women: source of unique energy

A healthy woman always wants to help her loved ones and everybody around. The keyword here is “healthy” because if even part of our energy is wasted on health problems and occupations we are not supposed to by birth, we become anxious and need a lot of support. Later on, in this article, we will talk about how to get this support very quickly and effectively. Shakuntali Siberia just wants to remind you here that you are a source of unique energy. Only a woman can raise a new life inside and bring it into this world. You can only imagine how much physical and subtle energy it is required to do this. And this is a woman’s nature – she creates a new life, helps people around her, brings life and joy to this Planet. But a woman gets happiness from all this only if she is healthy. She becomes the center of life, the center of attention, she attracts good people and success. She gets the best marriage proposal, the most winning job positions and she feels completely happy in all spheres of life.
The secret is when the woman realizes all her talents, when she is free inside, all her energy channels are open, powerful and ready to accept and to give.
Shakuntali Siberia is such a powerful woman who changes lives and brings hope, and she wants the women around to find their Power inside themselves and make their changes, too.

The power of divine energy
Even if you are far away from getting acquainted with energy theories and teachings, you surely know what energy is. You can recall the feeling you experience when you catch a sincere smile from a stranger. Or when you are in the company of the soul mates and the energy you produce together lifts you up. This is the real magic and such charging of the batteries happens every time at Shakuntali Siberia’s seminars and group meetings. During these meetings, Shakuntali Siberia helps her students to regain their energy, to get their natural happiness and health. The secret is when a woman is filled up with positiveness and energy, she transfers it to everyone around. This means that her family and friends become more happy, healthy and successful.
That is why it is very important to attend Shakuntali Siberia’s seminars and individual sessions. Working on her inner world, a woman changes not just herself but everyone around.

“Emergency Battery Charging” practice – the precious gift from Shakuntali Siberia
We can find ourselves in the situation when we need to recharge our batteries immediately. For this case, Shakuntali Siberia gives us a practice that will help you to get the required energy within minutes. To do this, you need to make the following simple steps.
Stand straight, placing your feet a little wider than your shoulders.
Put your left hand, palm down, at the bottom of your abdomen and cover your left hand with the right palm. With your eyes closed, use your imagination and see yourself in the tunnel.
Start rotating your hips from left to the right, imaging that the tunnel is so narrow that you must make it wider with your hips. Breath in calmly with your nose and breath out with your mouth.
Lean out your hands forward and start making rotational movements with them together with the hips. You will surely feel the pull of energy concentrating at the bottom of your abdomen.
Put your hands, palms down, to the bottom of your abdomen again but this time with your left hand on the top. Now start moving your hips with the sign of infinity. Imagine those people whom you would like to support and send your thoughts to wish them all the best in this life.
Now stop rotating and put your both palms to your heart area. Close your eyes and just observe your new inner state. In your thoughts, thank the Universe for the help and guidance.

You are the source
Always remember that you are a keeper of the unique power inside of you. It is only up to you whether to wake it up or leave it sleeping. You are the one who holds the fates of yourself and your loved ones in your hands. Visit to start changes!

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